Just one more shot

Don't stress yourself if you see me telling you not to smoke if your DNA doesn't match the requirements. If you smoke, then you've never had an issue; good for you! Your body is made to be full of nicotine, which means it embraces this principle. If you find yourself in the hospital every month, even for two months, don't be me, but I can be you. Stop this; otherwise, you might look at me sooner, not later. Nicotine harms your body, which means your DNA doesn't support it. Further, if you don't smoke, good boy or girl, one day we might see you at an event to give you a hug. You made the best choice for your life.

We love you all, and we will keep that in mind. If smoking is killing people
1. Why do doctors keep smoking, and they are telling you to stop?
2. Why do the companies keep producing it?
3. Forget numbers 1 and 2. They don't love you; loving yourself is the answer.